
What do we mean by ”Productions”?

Emotional Connections.


We exist to help performing artists and professionals in the performing arts earn a living by working on our projects. We as a team apply for grants, calls, and sponsorships and as soon as we receive a positive reply, we start operating. That means that we start curating, organizing, and bringing creative ideas on stage or screen by hiring and fairly remunerating creative professionals.


This is a subject to funding production making initiative to contribute to employment creation and to show that art is work.


We are a cultural non-profit organisation, which DOES NOT ask for funds from individuals, workers, parents, students. Culture Select is supported by Local and Regional Authorities, associations, unions, organisations, associations, civil or commercial companies and other legal entities.


And never for-profit. Whatever we receive, we give back to the communities where we live, work and create.


What do we mean by ”Mentoring”?

Pass on knowledge.


Mentoring lies on the idea that the more successful, senior partner, the mentor, wishes to pass on some of what they’ve learned to someone else who will benefit from their experience.


A mentor may share with a mentee information about their own career path, as well as provide guidance, motivation, emotional support, and role modelling. A mentor may help with exploring careers, setting goals, developing contacts, and identifying resources. There is a general agreement that a mentor helps someone to learn and develop faster than they would otherwise do so.



What is CSMP (Culture Select Mentorship Programme)?

Established in 2020, Culture Select’s Mentorship Programme each year offers performing artists the opportunity to build their confidence and highlight their transferable skills, provide guidance and demonstrate the opportunities available in both artistic and non-artistic roles, benefitting from the wisdom, experience and industry insights of a mentor. Culture Select offers a range of creative educational opportunities for individuals and institutes at all stages of their creative journeys, helping them build the conditions where they will flourish.


As a whole, the Culture Select Mentorship Programme is structured to combine the benefits of coaching with the benefits of mentoring. Whilst the programme is performance driven, designed to improve the professional’s on-the-job performance, it is also equally development driven, looking not just at the professional’s current job function but beyond, taking a more holistic approach to career and brand development. A well-rounded development experience that allows the mentee to broader skills for personal or career development.


  • CSMP has 4 key elements: improving performance, career development, counselling and sharing knowledge.
  • CSMP is divided in 4 different course circles, each with their own title and specifications to meet the specific needs of the interested parties.
  • All the sessions go through 4 sequential phases: preparation, consulting, enabling growth, and closure. These phases build on each other and vary in length.
  • All the sessions have a defined time limit and set defined goals. Having such a framework in place can be easier for both parties to agree and complete goals rather than an open-ended commitment.


This is a subject to funding professional development programme to support the mentees ambitions and become the future leaders of themselves in the wider arts sector.


We are a cultural non-profit organisation, which DOES NOT ask for funds from individuals, workers, parents, students. Culture Select Mentorship Programme is supported by Culture Select’s supporters which are Local and Regional Authorities, associations, unions, organisations, associations, civil or commercial companies and other legal entities.


And never for-profit. Whatever we receive, we give back to the communities where we live, work and create.


What do we mean by ”Workshops”?

Practical Skills and Tools.


Once we have a production established or in the making we begin building emotional connections and share our creative skills with other creatives in the studio. Our programme of workshops gives them practical skills and tools to learn and do something about their passion. Generally, our workshops are aimed at supporting people to be more proactive in their everyday lives, although some are specifically aimed at creating awareness of our productions within the arts. We believe one of the reasons people feel helpless to affect the course of their career path is because they feel they don’t have the relevant skills. This part of the project sets out to combat that idea. We are also dedicated to sharing the skills and experience we have developed by working on our projects, and our workshop programme is just one of the ways we are able to do this. 


This is a subject to funding initiative to contribute to employment creation and show that art is work.


We are a cultural non-profit organisation, which DOES NOT ask for funds from individuals, workers, parents, students. Culture Select is supported by Local and Regional Authorities, associations, unions, organisations, associations, civil or commercial companies and other legal entities.


And never for-profit. Whatever we receive, we give back to the communities where we live, work and create.

Social Events and Outreach

What do we mean by ”Social Events and Outreach”?

Building a Community.


It’s much easier to feel significant when you’re part of a group. Our events programme brings people together in a community setting – from nights of live music to conferences – to remind them that there are plenty of other people fighting the good fight of spreading the word that art is work. This sense of collectivism inspires hope, helping people to realise that it’s not just them against that social misunderstanding – they are one of hundreds, thousands, millions of people across the world who, together, can make a huge difference. Our outreach focuses on organisations rather than individuals, bringing artists together under a set of common, incentivised goals to create a community of organisations with a demonstrable commitment to building a fairer future for creatives. 


This is a subject to funding initiative to contribute to the creation of a community.


We are a cultural non-profit organisation, which DOES NOT ask for funds from individuals, workers, parents, students. Culture Select is supported by Local and Regional Authorities, associations, unions, organisations, associations, civil or commercial companies and other legal entities.


And never for-profit. Whatever we receive, we give back to the communities where we live, work and create.